
2020 Taipei Sun x Site public art project


2020 Taipei Sun x Site public art project

2020 Taipei Sun x Site public art project is seeking to break the art boundary between private space and public space. This project would not present any large or humongous works of art. Our goal aims not to transform the street scenery instantly. Instead, when art intervenes in the neighbourhoods, it allows different groups of people to meet and exchange their opinions. Art can’t force people to do anything but can invite people to join in.

Our research for this project attempts to understand how history and culture interflow together between Taipei and other Asian cities (Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok and Singapore) through the observation in street self-service laundry shops. We constantly collaborate with multinational and interdisciplinary art, in order to let the public have an opportunity to participate and experience the new form of public art.

2020「台北好日麗日麗---中山區鄉里內的公共藝術巧遇計劃」,將城市內半公共空間特性作為都會新型態公共藝術實踐的起點,邀請海內外新銳藝術家/ 團隊與中山區合作的半公共性空間進行就地創作與社區藝術實踐,以更多元的空間與觀看方式,讓藝術家與參與的觀眾有更多元的公共藝術性思考與挑戰,作品的觀看與異質場域展開新對話關係,亦發展出以「無牆美術館」的概念,探索中山藝文特區中新型態美學展覽之價值。台北好日麗日麗綜合實地考察、國際攝影交流、聯展與藝術進駐創作三大面向,與在地居民一起創造屬於當地的公共藝術。
